Kusum Solar Pump Yojana 2019-2020 online registration / application form available at official website, apply online for pumpsets subsidy scheme

Central government invites Kusum Yojana online registration / application form 2020. Union govt. will provide 3 crore solar pumps to farmers under Kisan Urja Suraksha Utthan Mahabhiyan (KUSUM) Scheme till FY 2022. These solar agricultural pumpsets at subsidy would replace agriculture pumps currently running from electricity and diesel. The official website for Solar Agriculture Pumps Subsidy Yojana previously was kusum.online but now it is closed.
The primary aim of Kusum Scheme 2020 is to provide advanced technology to farmers to generate power. These solar pumps has double benefits as it will assist farmers in irrigation and will also allow farmers to generate safe energy. As these pumpsets comprises of energy power grid, farmers can sell the extra power directly to the government which would also increase their income.
Latest Update (1 February 2020) – A total of 20 lakh farmers can set up standalone solar pumps. Furthermore, Finance minister said that government can help 15 lakh solarise grid-connected pump sets. Moreover, farmers can also use barren land for solar energy generation, setup solar power plants on barren land, generate electricity, sell extra generated electricity and have a livelihood out of it.
KUSUM Yojana as announced by the central govt. would promote solar power production and solar farming to benefit farmers. In Union Budget 2020-21, union govt. has made a budgetary provision of Rs. 48000 crore for upcoming 10 years and allocation of funds is to be done in 4 segments.
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PM Kusum Yojana Online Registration Form 2020 [Apply]
The PM Kusum Yojana official website kusum.online is now not working. So, any person who wants assistance on PM Kusum Yojana can now contact at 011-2436-0707, 011-2436-0404 (Toll Free: 1800-180-3333) or visit the official website at mnre.gov.in.
Below is the previous procedure to apply online for Kusum Yojana online application and registration form:-
Visit the official website at kusum.online
At the homepage, click at the “आवेदन करें” link. Afterwards, the Kusum Yojana online registration form 2020 will appear as shown below:-

Kusum Yojana Online Registration Form
Here candidates can enter the complete details including farmers name, mobile number, e-mail ID and other details and click at the “Submit” button to complete the Kusum Scheme 2020 registration process.

Kusum Scheme 2020 Online Registration
Next candidates can click at Kusum Yojana homepage for login for Solar Agricultural Pumpset Subsidy Scheme 2020-21 as shown below:-

Kusum Yojana 2020 Login Homepage
After making Kusum Yojana 2020 Login at the homepage, candidates can fill the Kusum Yojana online application form to avail subsidy on solar agricultural pumps.
PM Kusum Yojana 2020-21 Guidelines Download (PDF) – The guidelines for implementation of component C of PM Kusum scheme on solarization of grid connected agricultural pumps can be checked using the link – View Details
Central govt. has started KUSUM Scheme in FY 2018 to assist farmers in replacing all the existing diesel and electric pumps with solar agricultural pumps. On these solar agricultural pumps, govt. would provide 60% of total cost as subsidy to all eligible farmers across the country.
PM Kusum Scheme 2020 Components
The various components of Kusum Scheme 2020 are as follows:-
Solar Pumps Distribution – During the Kusum Yojana 1st phase, the power department in association with departments of the central govt. are going to work towards the successful distribution of solar powered pumps.
Construction of Solar Power Factory – This includes the construction of solar power plants which would have a capacity to produce significant amount of power.
Setting up tubewells – The 3rd component of this scheme includes setting up of tubewells which are also going to generate certain amount of power.
Modernization of present Pumps – Only the production of power is not one of the aim of this Kusum Scheme 2020-2021. The final component of Kusum scheme deals with the modernization of pumps which are currently in use and to replace old pumps by solar pumps.
In addition, banks would also provide 30% extra of total expenses as bank loans to farmers. Now the farmers would only have to spend the upfront cost and is around 10% of total cost to set up these solar projects. Candidates can click at Contact Us link in case of any further query.
As per the initial draft of Kusum Yojana 2020, these plants are going to be erected only on infertile areas which are capable of generation a total of 28000 MW power. In the 1st phase, govt. would provide 17.5 lakh solar powered pumps to agricultural labourers.
PM Kusum Yojana Helpline Number
▼Contact No: 011-2436-0707, 011-2436-0404
▼PM KUSUM Toll Free Number: 1800-180-3333
▼Official website: www.mnre.gov.in
▼PM KUSUM Toll Free Number: 1800-180-3333
▼Official website: www.mnre.gov.in
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